All artwork, photography, graphics, text, and general imagery on www.larkinhowedesign.com belongs to Larkin Howe Design, LLC and may not be saved, downloaded, transferred, resold, distributed, copied, or duplicated without prior written consent from Larkin Howe. If you have any questions about, or would like to license or purchase, any artwork or graphics within this website, please reach out to us via our contact form or email at support@larkinhowedesign.com.
Larkin Howe Design, LLC retains all rights to use and display graphics and artwork created for commissions, client work, service subscriptions, and any other customized design. Locations for reuse and display of such work includes, but is not limited to, the company website (www.larkinhowedesign.com), the company blog, company social media channels, work portfolios, marketing materials, advertisements, and company videos.
Finished Work Deliverables
All work, artwork, or commissions delivered to shop customers or service clients is to be considered Finished Work, not available for resale or alterations by third parties. Alterations needed can be made by Larkin Howe Design, LLC at the client’s future request and may be subject to new contract and payment. If a client or customer would like to retain the rights to any such work and have the layered files for future third party alteration, additional charges will be incurred, which are explained in the following section, “Native Files & Source Files.”
Native Files & Source Files
Native Files, such as layered files, sketches, or concept source files (usually .ai, .psd, .indd, .eps), are not included in the Finished Work deliverables unless discussed and agreed upon prior to the project commencing. Native Files and the release of rights to such files can be transferred for a Native File Release Fee to be agreed upon at the start of each project. These fees should be discussed with Larkin Howe Design, LLC prior to the start of any project but can be discussed at the end, resulting in additional charges added to the original scope and payment for the project.
Logo & Branding Projects - Logo and branding projects are exempt from additional Native & Source File Fees listed above. All of our logo and branding projects will have the appropriate copyright/file release fees included in the original pricing and all Native & Source Files will be released with the final deliverables upon receiving the client’s final payment.
Packaging Projects - Packaging projects are exempt from additional Native & Source File Fees listed above. All of our packaging projects will have the appropriate copyright/file release fees included in the original pricing and all Native & Source Files will be released with the final deliverables upon receiving the client’s final payment.
More information, restrictions, and guidance can be found in our Terms & Conditions.